1. No member of the Club, Green Card Holder or dependent(s) shall use any part of the Club and/ or its facilities to further his business or professional interests in any manner what so ever.
  2. No member of the Club shall be permitted to bring any Food and Beverage article/ item into the Club premises, nor shall any member consume any such item in any part/ portion of the Club. Infringement of this Bye Law/ rule shall be a major misconduct, entailing the suspension of membership of the concerned member(s) for a minimum period of one month. In case of any repeat violation, the membership of the member(s) shall be liable to be terminated.
  3. Pets shall not be allowed in any part of the Club. For violation of this Bye Laws, the owner of the pet shall be fined as notified by the EC.
  4. No member shall take away or mutilate any books, newspapers, magazines or periodicals. A member infringing this bye-law shall be fined on every occasion, for each newspaper/ magazine etc, so removed or mutilated. The amount of fine will be as notified by the Executive Committee.
  5. No articles of the Club furniture and equipment etc, shall be lent to any member.
  6. Dependents of members are not permitted to bring guests to any part of the Club.
  7. Dependents under the age of 18 years are not permitted to order and consume liquor.
  8. Children are not permitted entry into the specific Club areas, which has been notified as "Children free” area and such area as may be specified by the EC.
  9. Dependent children shall not use the club premises after 7.00 PM except when accompanied by their parents or near relatives who also should be permanent member of the Club.
  10. Servants/ attendants / Security Guards shall not use the Library, Green Room, Bar, Card Room, Dining Hall and South Court. They may, however wait near reception counter, or some other place specified by the club management. Infringement of this Bye Law/ rule shall be a major misconduct, entailing the suspension of membership of the concerned member(s) for a minimum period of one month. In case of any repeat violation, the membership of the member(s) shall be liable to be terminated.
  11. The Club stationery shall not be removed from the Club office. Any member requiring the same may obtain it from the office on payment.
  12. Members (including their dependents) and guests shall not in their own interest leave their belongings, particularly the costly ones anywhere in the club, except in the custody of the attendant at the cloak room. While the Club management shall try and take care of deposited articles, it will not be responsible for any losses or damages. Members may demand token from the cloakroom attendant, for the deposited articles.
  13. Smoking is prohibited in the entire Club premises except only at designated place.
  14. Ignorance of Club Bye Laws shall not be accepted as an excuse. Copies of Bye Laws may be obtained from Club office on payment at laid down rates.
  15. The decision of the EC of the Club shall be binding on all the Club members.