1. Summers - 11 a.m. to 10.30 p.m.
  2. Winters - 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.


  1. 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.


  1. Morning - 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.        (Summers and Winters)
  2. Evening - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.        (November to March)
  3. Evening - 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.   (April to October)


  1. Lunch - last order by 2.30 p.m.
  2. Morning - 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.        (Summers and Winters)
  3. Evening - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.        (November to March)
  4. Evening - 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.   (April to October)


1. green room & bar (a) Gents
  • Lounge Suit/Combination/
    National Dress/ Open Collar/
    Collared T-Shirt.
  • Formal Shoes.
  • Jeans NOT permitted.
  • Dress code applicable on dependents above 13 years of age.
  • Sarees /Suits/ Pant Suits/ Trouser & Shirt/ Skirts.
  • Formal Footwear.
  • Jeans NOT permitted.
  • Dress code applicable on dependents above 13 years of age.
2. Card Room, South Court and Dining Hall (a) gents
  • Lounge Suit/ Combination/ National Dress/ Open Collar/
    Collared T-Shirt
  • Jeans are permitted. Shoes.
  • Track suit with Sports Shoes / Sneakers permitted from 5.00 PM to 7.00 PM only.
  • Heavily Faded & Torn Jeans NOT permitted.
  • Sarees / Suits/ Pant Suits/ Trouser & Shirt/ Skirts
  • Casual Dress, including Jeans permitted.
  • Decent Footwear
  • Track suit with Sports Shoes / Sneakers permitted from 5.00 PM to 7.00 PM only.
  • Heavily Faded & Torn Jeans NOT permitted.
3 Children upto 13 years of Age Girls / Boys
  • Decent Casual Clothes & Sports/ Leather Shoes at all times.
  • Children are NOT permitted in the Club premises after 7.00 PM, except when accompanied by their parent(s). permitted.
4 Not Permitted in the Club Premises
  • Slippers / Flip Flops.
  • Sandals for Gentlemen
  • T-Shirt without Collars.
  • Un-tucked Shirt/T-Shirt.
  • Kurta Pajamas.
  • Faded & Torn Jeans.
Note : All members and their dependents / Guests are requested to strictly adhere to the Dress Code.


  1. Persons who are not dependent on members will be termed as guests.
  2. Permanent members shall only introduce guests into the Club. No guests shall be entertained in the Club unless the member accompanies them.
  3. The permanent members bringing guests to the Club shall enter their particulars in the Guest Register, without which the guests shall be asked to leave the Club premises.
  4. Not more than 12 guests (including local guests) in a month shall be introduced to the Club by a permanent member during the months of April, May & June. During the remaining months, as well as on special occasions, guests may be introduced for more number of times with the prior approval of the Honorary Secretary.
  5. A permanent member may introduce a local guest (including his family), to the Club, only on two occasions, in a month. Any other member of the Club may invite same guest (including his family) on one more occasion only. In other words, a particular local guest could be invited to the Club only on three occasions in a month.
  6. Guest charges will be levied on members as notified by the management.
  7. Every member bringing guests to the Club shall ensure that the dress regulation of the Club and the excise regulations are observed by them.
  8. Any member, who violates these Bye Laws, shall be liable to action in accordance with Memorandum of Association of the Shimla ADC and in addition, will be liable to penalty charges as deemed fit by the EC.
  9. If any guest misbehaves in any manner, he/she shall be liable to be ordered by the Honorary Secretary or any member of the Executive Committee, to leave the Club. The members introducing the guests shall also be liable to action, as deemed fit by the EC in accordance with MOA.

----- With privileges come responsibilities!!

Thank you.