1. Defence/Govt. service members who are posted out of Shimla by nature of their duty, will produce proof of their transfer and on reversion back to Shimla or on retirement, they will cease to be outstation members. These members will also continue to enjoy their voting rights.
  2. In case an absentee member fails to pay his dues for one year, his/her membership may be terminated.


  1. Those members who have been members of the club for 20 years and are of the age of 80 years and above will qualify as such members. These members will not be required to pay the mandatory subscription of the Club. These members will continue enjoying their voting rights.


  1. Full members who have attained the age of 70 years or above will be considered as senior citizen members of the Club. They will also have voting rights.


  1. The following may be invited by the Executive Committee to become honorary members of the club:-
(a) Ex President and Ex-Executive President.
(b) A member of the Executive committee Shimla ADC, who has served on the Executive committee for a minimum
period of one year on transfer from Shimla/Jutogh and thereby ceasing to be a Full member.
(c) Gentlemen and ladies of state and National stature with background in fine art, culture and dramatics.
(d) Gentlemen and ladies who are members of professional or amateur theatrical groups during their stay in Shimla.
(e) Gentlemen and Ladies, who are not full or temporary members, but are taking part in a cultural programme of the
club, during the period of that activity.
(f) Distinguished persons.
  1. A person who is already a Full member and permanently settling down in Shimla even though if he has served in EC for a period of one year will not be granted Honorary Membership. An ex Honorary member, who subsequently settles down in Shimla and wishes to make use of club regularly, can become Full member by paying the security and monthly subscription as applicable. However, he will not be required to pay the entrance fees.
  2. A Honorary member shall not have voting rights.


  1. Civilian officers of the State & Central govt and head quasi govt orgs may be given ex-officio membership for the duration that they hold the said office, if in the opinion of the EC these officers are helpful for the advancement of the Club. The Principal Secretary of the Department of Language, Art & Culture will invariably be made an ex-officio member. Their membership will be automatically terminated on the relinquishing their specified appointment or on their retirement.
  2. Ex-officio membership will be offered to such person who accepts all the terms and conditions on the application form and subject to his/ her membership by Screening Committee.
  3. These members will neither be counted against the specific vacancies for their category nor will enjoy voting rights.