- The opening hours for the card rooms shall be the same as for the club. The card room sub-committee will formulate the card room rules which will be binding on all members. Amendments to these rules will be approved by the Executive Committee only.
- Cards shall be provided and after use shall remain the property of the Club. New cards shall be supplied at the discretion of Hony Secy.
- Members playing cards shall be charged card room fee as laid down by the Executive Committee. Card fee will be charged on regular basis for full year since some of the members start playing without intimating the club office and without paying the fee for months together.
- Members of the club, desirous of playing cards, shall enter their names in cards register kept in the club office prior to their availing of the facility.
- Members who are found playing cards without paying the requisite card fee will be liable to disciplinary action.
- No reservation of tables for playing cards is permissible.
- Canasta may also be played in the club as per laid down stakes.
- Rummy and Bridge shall be played as per laid down rules approved by the Executive Committee.
- Bridge and Rummy will be played in the cards rooms only. Members will abide by the club rules. All those who violate the club Rules, will be liable for disciplinary action, in accordance with the Articles of Association and these Bye Laws. Playing of "SYNDICATE RUMMY" is forbidden in the club premises.
- The club Bridge, Rummy and Canasta stakes may be revised by the Executive Committee from time to time.